Library and Document Corner

Guide / Book Search
Library and Document Corner


The FIA Reinan Center’s book collections has titles concerning international understanding and exchange.
Patrons may borrow up to two titles for a period of up to two weeks.
We also have a number of child-oriented books which make excellent supplements to classroom learning.
Other books are available, so please browse them at your leisure.

Book Search

Search the FIA Reinan Center’s book collections


Foreign Language Newspapers, Domestic/Foreign Magazines

[Domestic/Foreign Magazines] ※Issues other than the most recent are available for borrowing.

Title (Country of Puvlication, Region, Language)
1.National Geographic Magazine (Japan , Japanese)
2.聴く中国語 (Japan , Japanese/Chinese)
3.韓国語学習ジャーナル hana (Japan , Japanese/Korean)
4.CNN English Express (Japan , Japanese/English)
5.Hiragana Times (Japan , Japanese/English)
6.通訳翻訳ジャーナル (Japan , Japanese/English)
7.留学ジャーナル (Japan , Japanese)

[Domestic/Foreign Newspapers] ※Older editions may be available for patrons to take home.

Title (Country of Publication, Region, Language)
1.The Japan Times Alpha (Japan , English)
2.The Japan Times (Japan , English)
3.東方新報 (Japan , Chinese)
4.福井新聞 (Japan , Japanese)