Programs and Events at the Association

Event Detail
TitleMedical Interpreter Supporter Training Course
 Check this out if you are intersted to be a Medical Interpreter Supporter!
Date of EventFeb. 23, 2025(Sun)
Time of eventBeginners course:10:00-12:00
Basic course:13:00-15:00
VenueFukui International Activities Plaza
3-1-1 Hoei, Fukui City Tel 0776-28-8800
Participation feeFree
DetailsWhy don't you join this course and learn to be a Medical Interpreter Supporter!

According to a data of foreigner's population in Japan is increasing lately,there are more likey to have situations using different laguages in health/medical care departments.
In this course,we will learn what would need foreigners to get good health/medical care without misunderstanding with languages barriers.

Fukui International Association

Beginners course:10:00am-12:00pm
Basic course:1:00pm-3:00pm

Fukui International Activities Plaza

Beginners course:Overview of health/medical care for foreigners nowadays,
Preparation to be a medical interpreter supporter and Learn Interpreter skills.

Basic course:Learn Interpreter skills depends on different languages and Role-plays.

[Registration fee]

[Application requirements]
Fluent with least 2 languages.

Application form is required to join this course.
Application form
InquiriesFukui International Association
〒 910-0004 3-1-1 Hoei, Fukui City
Tel 0776-28-8800